Charlotte is a filmmaker, actor, photographer, and multimedia artist.
A portrait of the artist going feral.
She launched her acting career Off-Broadway as “Margery the Boston Medium” in Mr. Teller’s immersive horror show, and 2011 Drama Desk Award nominee for “Best Unique Theatrical Experience,” Play Dead, in its original, year-long New York run. She was nominated the following year for a New York Innovative Theatre award for “Outstanding Performance of an Actress in a Lead Role” in Tom X. Chao's Callous Cad. She was a series lead in the horror series Flesh For the Beast, which premiered on Netflix, available now on Crunchyroll.
In 2016, Charlotte created, wrote, produced, and co-starred in CAT PLANET - an extravaganza of cats, marijuana, and sci-fi silliness, available for streaming on YouTube - premiered in 2016 at the Chattanooga Film Fest, and was appropriately written up in BUST magazine that year for 4/20. Cat Planet was also listed awarded "Best Web Series", at the 2017 Toronto Independent Film Awards and made an official selection and finalist at multiple others.
At the start of the pandemic, Charlotte discovered video games, (better late than never,) and is fascinated by the field of game design. She has always been passionate about expansive world-building, fantasy narratives, and fostering a sense of wonder and discovery through storytelling. Although she still has a lot of learning to do to bring her immersive ideas to life, you can check out some of her concepts (read: unplayable games) from her recent game design courses here.
Charlotte currently lives in Saratoga Springs with her partner, their two cats and dog, and spends her spare time gaming and watching anime, reading, playing with 35 mm cameras, and drawing interpretive self portraits.